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VA Avatar
The VA Avatar is an avatar version of the vFriend.
It is a stand-alone device that has all the capabilities of the vFriend.
It is a Health and Wellness Behavior Influencing device.
Uses computer speech to help a person with:
1. Health challenges
2. Wellness challenges and goals
One version of the VA Avatar is shown to the right.
It is designed for people who are not comfortable using devices such as smartphones.

Health Care Providers would provide a VA Avatar to patients who do not do well looking after their daily health, who need extra support, and who prefer a VA Avatar over a vFriend.
The VA Avatar can do everything that the vFriend can do:
A. Enable Health Care Providers to help patients with daily:
- Self-Care assistance
- Mental Wellness assistance
- Inform and educate
B. Help Health Care Providers with:
4. Remote Patient Monitoring
Additional Capability:
The VA Avatar has an additional capability: Daily Living assistance.
Many older adults, who live independently at home, have daily living challenges
such as:
- Remembering to do something, such as take the garbage to the curb
- Forgetting important items, such as where they put the snow shovel last spring
- Having such low energy that they are too tired to even get up and turn off the light
The VA Avatar can provide verbal Daily Living assistance, such as:
a) Reminders
b) Verbal text messaging
c) Play music
d) Turn lights on / off, and other smart home capabilities [coming soon]
Plus, the VA avatar can provide Virtual Companionship – to help with loneliness.
Applications of the VA Avatar
Besides helping people with their health and wellness, the VA Avatar can also be used to help older adults in various applications:
1. Home Care:
Home Care Organizations can offer a VA Avatar to their older adult clients - as an extra service.

2. Family Caregivers:
Family caregivers could provide a VA Avatar to their parent who is living independently in their own home.
The VA Avatar can help the older adult:
- Live independently for longer
- Have better quality of life
Also, the VA Avatar will help the Family caregiver:
- Peace of mind
- Do a few tasks that the Family caregiver would normally do

3. Personal Care Homes / Assisted Living / Independent
Personal Care Home managers could give VA Avatars to the older adult residents, and give access to the vFriend Operations Center to the Personal Care Home staff.
The VA Avatars can verbally interact with the older adults at any time, to improve their quality of life.
In addition, the VA Avatars can make life better for staff:
a) Collect data on each older adult and save to vFriend Operations Center.
- Staff can view the data at any time.
- Could help them spot a negative issue, then intervene before it got
b) Older adults will be able to verbally send a message to the staff at
the Nursing Station - through their VA Avatar.
And staff at the Nursing Station will be able to send voice messages
to the older adults - through the VA Avatars.
1. Save time for the staff
2. Improve quality of life for the older adult residents
Older adults and staff at Assistive Living and Independent Living facilities could also benefit from the use of VA Avatars.