Improving Health and Wellness Behavior
Better health outcomes
Reduced health care costs
Better wellness / fitness
Enhanced wellness service
A Verbal Behavior Influencing Solution

- vFriend is a Virtual Support Friend
- It is an advanced smartphone app
- A virtual friend with health smarts
- Uses computer speech to communicate with ithe user
- Helps the user to look after themselves better
- Leading to improved health and well-being
- It is as if you had a good friend who is ialways there for you to chat with, and to help iif you want it
Health Care Providers
vFriend can significantly help Health Care Organizations and Health Care Providers around the world.
Click here for more information.
Wellness Service Providers
vFriend can be a significant benefit to Wellness Service Providers, such as Employee Wellness companies and fitness coaches.
Click here for more information.
What Is Good Health and Wellness Behavior
Examples of Good Health behavior actions: Examples of Good Wellness behavior actions:
o Healthy eating o Fitness routine
o Exercise o Weight management
o Good sleep o Meditation
Challenges to Good Health and Wellness Behavior
Negative Behavior Factors:
Many people carry out poor health and wellness behavior because of negative behavior factors, such as (and there are many):
o Low self-motivation
o Low self-discipline
o Don't think it's important
o Don't think it will help
o Poor attitude
o Low energy level
o Uninspired
Mental Wellness Episodes:
Many people experience occasional mental wellness episodes. They cause reduced health and wellness, and lead to poor health and wellness behavior:
o Anxiety / worry / stress
o Fear
o Sadness
o Lack self-confidence
o Loneliness
o Purpose in life
o Reduced ability to concentrate
vFriend addresses these challenges!
Powerful Health Behavior Influencing Assistance
vFriend helps people to better to look after their own Health; to better self-help.
Uses computer speech to carry out actions similar to those of a human Personal Assistant as they help a person with health and well-being challenges.
Specifically, vFriend has human-like verbal conversations with the user, throughout the day, every day:
- Speaks positive behavior influencing words
- Words are personalized for each user and challenging situation
- Can also do verbal coaching
Powerful Wellness Behavior Influencing Assistance
vFriend can also help people with wellness and well-being challenges and goals, such as improving fitness level or weight management.
It helps them have better wellness behavior - for example: increased self-motivation; greater focus on goals.
Has human-like verbal conversations with the user, throughout the day, every day:
- Speaks positive wellness behavior influencing words
- Words and actions are personalized
- Can also do verbal coaching
The “Friend” Factor
A good friend will have more positive behavior influence on you than a non-friend.
vFriend comes across as a virtual friend.
It uses words and images to come across as friendly, trusting, compassionate.
The purpose for this is so that the words it speaks to the user will have maximum effectiveness – in helping with health and well-being.
What It Does
Health Care Providers and Wellness Service Providers can use vFriends to help their patients and clients with:
1. Self-Care Assistance:
vFriend helps a person with self-care actions.
It is important for a people with health and well-being issues to carry out proper self-care (eg., take medication; get exercise).
But many find this challenging to do due to lack of motivation and other behavior issues.
If the person indicates some reluctance to do a self-care action, the vFriend can speak a targeted behavior influencing message that is meant to motivate the person to do the action.
Examples of Self-Care actions:
1. Taking medication
2. Doing physical exercise
3. Having a health meal
4. Doing relaxing exercises
2. Mental Health Assistance:
vFriend helps a person have better mental health.
Many people experience mental health episodes, such as sudden anxiety or feeling sad.
It can be difficult for them to self-help, ie, to talk to themselves or do some action to overcome the negative episode.
The person can ask their vFriend for assistance. vFriend can carry out an action that is meant to help the person overcome their episode.
Examples of Mental Health episodes:
Anxiety / worry / stress
Negative thinking
Pain (mental and physical)
3. Information & Education:
vFriend can access a wide range of health and well-being-related information.
The information is curated so that it is:
- Relevant to users
- Understandable to users
- Accurate
- Up-to-date
At any time, the person can ask their vFriend for information. vFriend will speak the information to them.
4. Patient Monitoring:
Patient monitoring refers to collecting patient health-related data and information between doctor appointments.
The health state of a patient can change between appointments.
vFriend can use verbal interaction to conveniently collect health-related patient data, daily.
Authorized Health Care Providers can view this information at any time – to optimize patient care.
Examples of collected data and information:
1. Physiological parameters: blood pressure; heart rate
2. Qualitative parameters: quality of sleep; level of pain
3. Adherence information: took medication; did exercise
Summary of vFriend Capabilities:
1. Computer speech
2. Virtual brain – carries out decision-making – what vFriend should do next
3. Possesses health and wellness knowledge, including behavioral psychology (CBT)
4. Possesses knowledge of the user (likes; dislikes; motivators)
5. Natural conversation modeling, including exception handling
6. Operates autonomously, 24x7x365
Click here for more details.
Data Privacy
We take data privacy very seriously.
All patient / client data is stored on our own secure servers.
Alternatively, the data can be stored on your organization’s servers if you select our enterprise solution.
We do not sell your data, or give access to your data, to third-party organizations.
Get in touch today
If you or your organization would like more information on vFriend: We would be happy to answer your questions. We can also provide a demonstration of its operation. We could even enable you to “test drive” vFriend, no obligation.
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