About Us
Life Elevated Inc.
Life Elevated Inc. is a dynamic digital health & wellness technology company.
We believe that a person’s daily behavior is a key to them having good health and wellness.
We specialize in developing solutions that positively influence the daily behavior of people.
This, in turn, helps people have improved health and wellness.
We have 2 main markets:
1. Health Care Organizations and Providers around the world are challenged with providing quality care to an increasing number of patients, as well as trying to control very high health care costs.
Our products can be provided to patients to help them have better health behavior, leading to improved health outcomes and reduced long-term health costs.
2. Wellness Service Providers, such as Employee Wellness providers and fitness coaches, provide services to clients who have wellness challenges and goals.
Our products can be provided to clients to help them have better wellness behavior, leading to better success with wellness and fitness goals.
We combine advanced technologies (computer-human verbal interaction; virtual brain) with human behavior expertise (psychological techniques; good-friend-influence) to create innovative, effective solutions.
Dennis Koverzin
Dennis is passionate about applying his knowledge and experience toward building products that benefit the world’s society.
He is one of the two co-founders of Life Elevated Inc. He is an experienced hi-tech business development manager/expert. He previously started up 3 other hi-tech companies (IQ Life Inc., Koverzin Consulting, and Commerce Design Inc.). He was an executive with another small hi-tech company (Keen Computer Solutions).
Dennis has over 25 years of experience in developing innovative technology-based solutions for the needs of business and society. He owns a pending patent on an advanced medical device. He has worked in Ottawa, Silicon Valley, California, and Winnipeg.
He has an Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Manitoba.
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dennis-koverzin-32098b4a/
Raymond Koverzin
Raymond is one of the two co-founders of Life Elevated Inc. He is a highly experienced hi-tech product development specialist and manager. He has worked in Silicon Valley, California for 22 years where he has helped several hi-tech companies develop a variety of sophisticated technology-based products and services. In total, Raymond’s hi-tech career spans 27 years, including working for hi-tech companies in Ottawa and Montreal. He is the owner of 2 provisional patents.
A partial list of his work experience include:
- Lead Product Architect at Cisco Systems in San Jose, California, where he designed a Media Services Platform.
- Chief Software Architect at Kineto Wireless Inc. in San Jose, California, where he developed wireless and cellular technology.
- VP of Emerging Technologies at KDS Inc. in San Jose, California, where he developed advanced call center technology.
- Software Engineer at Vertical Networks Inc. in Sunnyvale, California, where he helped develop a voice/data PBX and advanced call center technology.
- Systems and Software Engineer at Nortel Networks Corp. in Mountain View, California, where he developed components for the Meridian 1 PBX.
- Software Engineer at Mitel Corporation in Ottawa, Ontario, where he was part of the pioneering team that developed computer-telephony integration technology.
He graduated with an Electrical and Computer Engineering combined degree from the University of Waterloo.
LinkedIn profile:https://www.linkedin.com/in/raymond-koverzin-642447/
Company Vision
Create innovative products that will help millions of people to have improved health and well-being – in developed countries and in developing countries.
Company Mandate
Life Elevated Inc. creates innovative products that help people by positively influencing their daily behavior, leading to improved health and well-being.
Health Care Organizations and Wellness Service Providers will use our products to provide enhanced care and support to their patients / clients.
Our products provide more health and wellness behavior assistance than competitors.
Health Care Organizations and Health Care Providers can have healthier, happier patients, happier staff and better control of Health Care costs.
Wellness Service Providers can have happier clients and staff, and improved business operations.